Gaming,  Geek

Best of E3 2012


Being a regular at E3 from 2004-2009, it’s crazy to see how much things have changed over the years. A “gamer” is no longer just your LAN party attending marathon gamer, but also your little sister who plays Dance Central on the Kinect. The gaming world is evolving. Even though the demographics of gamers is changing and bringing in a lot of casual games these days, it’s good to see some publishers stay true to the hardcore fans who just want their doses of action, adventure, a little RPG, and some good fun. Even though I didn’t get to go to E3, I felt like I was there in spirit, cheering and rolling my eyes with the rest of the fanboys.

And with that, here are some of the games I am super excited about!

The Last of Us:

I am a huge fan of all the Uncharted Games, having gone through Uncharted 3 twice in one week and loving it just as much the second time. The Last of Us is another Naughty Dog game, which to me means amazing gameplay, top notch voice acting, and stunning scenery. From what I know, The Last of Us is a post-apocalypse game where an older man and a young girl are trying to survive. At some point, I thought I remember hearing there would be zombies, but it doesn’t look like we’ve seen any yet. Turns out that your worst enemies in this post-apocalypse world are actually other groups of survivors, which totally reminds me The Walking Dead comics.

Here is one of the earlier trailers if you’re not familiar with the game:

And here is the latest gameplay from E3 2012:


Gears of War Judgement:

I have no problem admitting that I cried at the end of Act 4 of Gears of Wars 3 so you can see why I would be pretty excited about Gears of War Judgement. GOW Judgement is actually a prequel to the series and takes place closely after E-day, the day when all the Locusts emerged from the ground.  The GOW series has never disappointed me from day one and I can’t wait to get back to sawing locusts in half, curb stomping, and grenade tagging.


Watch Dogs:

This is a new IP from Ubisoft and definitely had people talking. Take Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell, throw on some bum clothes, give him better hacking abilities you have Watch Dogs. Even though I am a “run and gun” kind of gal, I do like a good stealth games sometimes and am excited to see how this one does.

E3 Demo:


Pikmin 3:

Yes, I had to throw in a cute game in here, didn’t I? Although at first glance, this looks a lot like Pikmin 2 but with new characters and new objects, I am sure I will change my mind once I see it in person. The graphics look gorgeous and I’m hoping the new types of Pikmin will be a nice addition to the mix.

E3 Trailer:

So those are my picks from E3. Can’t wait to get my hands on some of these games! And don’t worry, I didn’t forget games like Tomb Raider and Halo 4. Definitely looking forward to those!

Any games that you’re looking forward to next year?

Ok, time to get back to D3. Game on!

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