• Fashion,  Outfit of the Day

    Keeping it casual

    For someone so prone to dropping food on themselves, I should never wear any color that comes close to white.  It’s true. Most of my shirts have some stain or another. That’s why my secret is to wear dark and patterned shirts! However when I saw this Joie “Eleanor” blouse, I knew I had to have it. But I also knew that any time I ate in this, I would have to wear 3-4 bibs to protect myself. :)

  • Fashion,  Outfit of the Day

    Color in Your Work Wear

    “What am I going to wear to work today?”. Being surrounded by casually dressed engineers in California sometimes has it’s downside. I find myself getting “lazy” in my style choices and not always going for the more polished and professional look. Flats usually win over heels. Sometimes I wish the dress code were more like my friends who work in the financial districts of New York, but hey, the grass is always greener, right?