DIY,  Fashion,  Geek,  Geek Fashion,  Star Wars,  Toys

DIY: Geeky Headbands

DIY Star Wars Headband

Ever since seeing these comic book exclamation headbands on etsy (here and here), I’ve been wanting to make some sort of geeky headbands that would be subtle enough to even wear to work. I thought about using a micro machine as an accessory like Jennifer Landa did with her Millennium Falcon ring, but decided against it since I wanted something more subtle. Upon looking around to see what kind of miniature toys I had lying around, I realized that my lego mini-figs were the perfect size for something like a headband!

For this project, you will need:

  • A spare headband – try to match the color of your lego figure
  • Lego mini-figures or other small toys or buttons
  • Needle and thread

I decided to use a wide headband that had a lot of fabric. Anything too thin could be more difficult to sew the mini-figure on.

  1. Figure out where you want your toy to be. I like to place them a little to the right or a little to the left compared to the top of the head
  2. Start sewing! For lego mini figures, sew around the head, legs, and body to make sure everything stays in place. Also, use a thread that is close to the color of the lego piece making sure that you try to sew “under” the toy so that you can’t see too many threads.
  3. Voila! You have your own custom geeky headband!

Star Wars Lego Headband

Here are a few more examples that I made that are cute, geeky, and just subtle enough to even wear out on the town or to work! The first is just using a simple batman button and pinning onto a sequined headband. The second is a small clay Shy Guy that I just glued onto a glittery headband. Both are extremely easy so definitely give it a try!

Batman HeadbandMario Shyguy headband



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