Cosplay,  Geek

Bring Back the Geek Love!

Like many great shows (ahem, Firefly), they don’t really get discovered by fans until they’re off the air and it’s too late. Geek Love, a show from TLC is a perfect example of this. Sadly I am one of those people who didn’t know about this show until only recently, but I absolutely love it.  It’s one of the first shows I’ve seen that gives you an accurate glimpse into the geek life – whether it’s being passionate about Star Wars, cosplaying, or feeling awkward.

And it’s not one of those shows where they take the most socially awkward geek and put them in these situations. I mean, us geeks are obviously quirky and weird, but  shows like Beauty and the Geek take it a little to the extreme.  The people on this show actually seemed genuine and real and I really enjoyed seeing them find love. Personally, I always get excited when I find something geeky in common with someone, so I totally knew how these people felt in a dating situation. Anyhow, I really hope they bring back this show!! Spread the word people!

Episode 1:

Episode 2:


  • Nuchtchas

    Seriously, only two episodes? That show was great. I didn’t even know they were filming that, I was at NYCC and was asked to go in there, I’m married but I married a geek who I met through role playing (I always joke, I married my DM) but I love the idea of getting more geeks together. There is nothing worse than dating a non geek (or someone not as geeky as you) because they don’t get your references and don’t want to stand in line to see the latest comic book movie on opening night or have a 13 hour trek movie marathon at home.

    • emilyo

      Haha, that’s awesome! I think if I were single, the speed dating would have been so fun. Yes! totally know what you mean. I definitely find myself wanting a cosplay partner, but I don’t really have any complaints because my husband does everything else geeky with me!

      • Nuchtchas

        One of the happiest moments in my marriage was when my husband, who never dressed up for halloween, built his first con costume and cosplayed with me… then I realized his costume was better/cooler than mine and I needed to step up my game :P It’s fun to keep each other on our geek toes. It’s nice that if I want to do something super nerdy, even if he doesn’t want to do it, or isn’t into it (like Harry Potter) he won’t mock me or look down on me or just plain not get why I have so much love for it. Having been in relationships unlike this one, it means a lot to me.

        • emilyo

          aw, that’s super cute! I got my husband to dress as captain hammer one year, but I think overall he’s too embarrassed by the attention. haha.

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