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The Invasion is Over

Space Invaders Shirt with Tulle SkirtToday marks a pretty special day for me as I am officially 3 weeks past my last chemo treatment! To explain the significance of “3 weeks”, my chemo regimen was every 3 weeks and it would usually take just about 3 weeks for my body to heal in between treatments. Which also meant by the time I started to feel a little more normal again, it was time for another treatment. BUT today is different since I have no more chemo!! :D :D :D When I was diagnosed 5 months ago, I couldn’t imagine going through all of this, nor did I think I even had the strength to. But it’s amazing how God works, how life works, and how much your friends, family, and even strangers on the internet can care so much. I have to admit I will secretly miss how nice people have been to me these past 5 months, but I also can’t wait to go back to normal life. Even though not a day goes by where I still think about “the big C”, I’m looking forward to days where looking in the mirror is just a reminder of my past and not my current situation. There are still tough days ahead, but I’m hoping that I’ve made it past the hardest parts. Many of you have reached out and given me more encouragement than you could ever know, even if it was just to share your experiences or cheer me on, and I will be forever grateful for that support.

More than anything, going through this has really tested my marriage. Coincidentally, they say the 7th year of marriage is the toughest and ours was by far, but not for reasons experts mention. Being a caretaker of a cancer patient is no joke and I can only sympathize with what my husband had to go through in dealing with my side effects, bad moods, complaining, picking up extra house work, and of course worrying about me. It’s an understatement to say that he’s been with me through thick and thin. And even though you never really doubt the love of your spouse, sometimes it can take low points like this to make you realize how much your partner really loves you. So thank you to my husband, well, for everything. Words can’t express how much you mean to me. And P.S. Happy 7th anniversary!

Space Invaders Shirt with Tulle Skirt Gaming Shirt with Skirt and Boots Outfit Loot Crate Level up your Style Shirt Space Invaders Shirt with Tulle Skirt Space Invaders Shirt with Tulle Skirt Loot Crate Level up your Style Space Invaders Shirt

The Goods:

  • Invaders Shirt (Loot Crate/Level Up Your Style, buy here, use code “stylishgeek” for 10% off!) w/Faded Denim Jacket (Forever 21, similar here and here)
  • Tulle Skirt (Aqua, buy here) w/Studded Belt (Zara)
  • Jewelry: Earrings (Kate Spade), Pyramid Cuff (House of Harlow 1960), Triangle Necklace (BCBGeneration, similar here)
  • Lace Up Boots (Dr. Martens, buy here)
  • Dark Purple Wig (Epic Cosplay Wigs, buy here)


  • lexiconsteal

    Congratulations! Wishing you well on your road to recovery, the days leading up to your 8th year of marriage, and of course, a happy Lunar new year! Hopefully we’ll see you soon. We’d love to catch up with you at the next convention, or otherwise.

  • Mike Louie (@Mewie)

    Happy 7th Anniversary!

    Something I found resonating from a recent message from church: “When you start fighting for what matters most you will stop fighting for what matters least.”

    You and Wilson are great warriors – your marriage is stronger than ever.

  • Adream

    Owww. When I first saw you, surfing on the web, I saw a pretty lady wearing a she-vader suit. I can’t even explain why I immediately looked for you on the net. Then one day I found your blog. It seems crazy to me but somehow i get attached to you. And when I learnt about the cancer I cried so much. And now I’m crying again because you’re healing. And I’m so happy. I can’t explain why I feel so good about you, I don’t even meet you. But you’re such a Star Wars fan… I was meant to love you :p I wish the best is yet to come have a nice day and may the force be with you.. Always

    • emilyo

      Aw, thank you so much. I’m very touched. It’s kind of amazing to me how people have reached out throughout all of this – online, in person, people I’ve been friends with for life, and people I’ve never met. I feel really blessed to have so much support!

  • Marc

    does this mean you’re now cancer free? Anyway great to hear you’re doing better. Also, are you a Christian? For sure God works in amazing ways :)

    • emilyo

      Hopefully, yes! But as many people will say, “The fight is never really over…” And yes, I am a believer! God does work in mysterious ways for sure. :)

  • Sevenbe

    Congratulations! I’ve only just been diagnosed with breast cancer myself, and I found your blog. It’s been a real inspiration and is helping to give me the courage to get through this. Thank you for writing about it.

    • emilyo

      I’m so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. :( I would definitely encourage you to talk to people who have also gone through this – including me! Let me know if you ever want to chat, vent, etc. I think no matter how much your friends and family can support you, it really helps meeting others who have experienced the same thing. Let me know if you need anything!

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